
Love those goats! Too bad I don't live on the Swiss Alps...

Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Well, it has been a while hasn't it? Not much has been happening with the goats. It took FOREVER to get the harness pieces we were missing. It took a month or two of waiting and several frustrated calls to Hoegger's before they finally shipped the reins and traces. The people at the company thought they had sent us the package but they hadn't anyway, we have it now.

Even though I haven't actually been working with the boys, that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. I got dad to borrow a digital camera from work and then I proceeded to take lots of pictures with it. I ended up with a bunch of random goat pictures. Some good and some bad. I've begun posting them on the website. If you are interested in what the boys look like (or even clover) feel free to take a look.

Ah one more thing mentioning Clover reminded me. She's in heat again. Unfortunatly I can't breed her until after the fair. She's been in heat twice since we got her. At first no one believed me but then mom said I was probably right.

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