
Love those goats! Too bad I don't live on the Swiss Alps...

Saturday, November 06, 2004


Dad and I took Clover to my cousin's house. She'll be back in probably a week or so. Hopefully, she'll be pregnant. The buck she is being bred to is an Alpine named Elmo. Dad and I were building Clover a stall but I might have mono so I may not be helping much, We'll have to see...

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Fencing and Breeding 

the goats knocked down a fence and were running around all day. Mom helped me use twine to tie it up until it can be fixed better. I don't know how long it will hold up though. We can't tell when/if Clover goes into heat so this month we are going to take her to my cousin's. They have a couple of alpine bucks. Hopefully we'll have a kid or two in april.

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