
Love those goats! Too bad I don't live on the Swiss Alps...

Friday, July 22, 2005

Goat Time... 

Yeah, so I milked and then spent time holding Cabrito, Sirius, and the new little buck who I've dubbed Samson. I think it's mainly because he's so big which is due to the fact that he was the only kid. Anyway, it seems to fit him. I love sitting out in the barnyard. It's so relaxing to have a goat on your lap and watch the other goats and the chickens. Ah... Bliss...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Milk Stand and a Miracle 

The question of whether Ellie is pregnant or not has finally been answered. I was milking Ebbie and I heard little bleatings. I figured it was just her little boys. Since she was separated from them. As I was about to let her out of the gate that separates the milking area from the goat yard, I glanced into the barn and there was a strange kid. It took me a minute to realize that this kid belonged to Ellie. So that's the amazing thing for the day. I wish I had a picture of dad's expression when I told him. It was really funny. Mom looked at the kid and is pretty sure it's another buck which is rather frustrating. But ah well...

On another note, I needed a milk stand so I could milk the two does by myself without having to get someone to hold them. So my grandpa had the renter who is renting the house between my cousins' and mine. Built one. I was surprised that he had it done as quickly as he did because he isn't known for his speed. Anyway, it turned out really nice and since I had to paint it, it's a bunch of funky colors because that was what color paint we had lying around. When I get a chance, I'll take a picture and post it on my website.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Urgh...So Busy! 

Okay, so I went to canada for a week, and the day before we came back, dad called. Ebbie had kidded. Two little bucks. One all black with white face, ears, and socks. The other has brow and black and is really rather pretty however, he is runty. The black one has been dubbed Sirius after Sirius Black in the Harry Potter books. (my friend who is obsessed with those books named him and it just kind of stuck.)You can see a picture of my dad holding him
The brown one I have dubbed Cabrito a kind of spanish form of "little goat" you can see his picture, again with my dad, Here.

So that's that. I was going to sell both of them, but mom has convinced me to keep Sirius and train him for pack. Great, another thing to read up on. Ah well.

I've been working at my cousins' this week. They've gone to canada and I've been taking care of their sheep, llamas, dogs, cats, and ferrets. Yesterday I took Sirius with me. He's rather wild because I've been so busy I haven't had time to get him used to me. After camp which is next week, things will get easier.

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