Love those goats! Too bad I don't live on the Swiss Alps...
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Fair Report 2005
Well, the fair has one more day. While I'm home, I might as well give my report. Wednesday afternoon was Open Class. The judge was impressed with both of Clover's kids. Surprisingly however, it was Diddely Squat who was queen for the day. She took Junior Grand Champion Alpine, and Junior Grand Champion over all the other breeds. Ellie got a blue ribbon in her class. I also won the mother, daughter class showing Clover and Diddy.
Friday was the 4-H show. I took second place in the Senior showmanship class. Clover and Annabelle both took 5th in their classes in the show. Lewis and Clark performed horribly!
In a nutshell that's pretty much it. I've now added another thing to my list of pages to add on the site... an Awards page. urgh. I'll have to get to it. anyway that's all from now. Oh wait!
Sirius and Cabrito both had to stay home from the fair because there was no room to take them. While here, they've developed a rather interesting bond and now they think they are chickens! Okay. Now I really think that's it! More later.